2022年2月13日 — For leveling i recommend the middle tree first and go for full gunzerk duration as you don't really need money shot until uvhm. After that go ...
Borderlands2 skill calculator. (Vanilla). Salvador. Level 5 Gunzerker. Gunzerking. Action Skill. Draw a second gun and go nuts! While Gunzerking you Instantly ...
Salvador, the Gunzerker is one of the most fun multiplayer characters. With his, gunzerk ability, he is able to output a good amount of constant damage, ...
Salvador is the Gunzerker class of the game. He is able to dual-wield any two guns during combat for maximum damage. Salvador can be a tank that you can spec ...
Salvador is the Gunzerker-class character in Borderlands 2. His action skill, Gunzerking, allows him to dual wield any two weapons in the game temporarily.
This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Salvador - The Gunzerker in Borderlands 2. Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 80 Build.
2023年8月8日 — Curious cause it's agreed among me and my friends Salvador in BL2 is least fun of all games to play. I'm not doubting that he can be good ...